For Dev - Customizations FAQs (App Lib V2)

Find answers to some commons questions about Customizations.

This instruction is appropriate for App Lib V2 only. The app lib V3 associated documents will be available soon. Please contact us for further assistance.

Can I self-customize to change the look & feel of my filter?

Yes, you could add the custom CSS styling code at the end of the assets/boost-pfs-custom.css.liquid file to overwrite the filter's styling. We highly recommend this practice instead of updating your own CSS file to avoid any difficulties for our further support.

Can you customize your filter and search to match my requirements?

Yes, we can. Please send us your design to, then we will send you a quote.

Do you offer out-of-app custom service?

Yes, we do. We offer Custom Theme Modification to enrich Shopping Experience such as Ajax Add To Cart, Quickview, Variant Swatch, Image Swap, Infinite loading…

Feel free to send us your requirements for a quote:

Does your app support filter or search by metafields?

Yes, we do. In order to create a filter option by metafield or search by metafield, you could follow this guide.

Can we display metafield content in the product grid?

Basically, you can return the product metafields that were created from any metafield apps into our API by simply adding them into our Metafield in-app setting with this guide (Since this is for display purposes only, you don't need to enable the Search and Filter option checkboxes)

Upon getting the needed metafield, you could manually adjust codes to display them on the product grid at your expectations.

Regarding variant metafield concerns, please email us with the details for further assistance.

Can we customize the number of products per page? What’s the pagination limit on products per page?

Yes, we can help you to achieve that but we limit the number of products that can be output per page to 70. Feel free to send your requirements to for further assistance.

Is this recommended to minify JS files when implementing customizations?

Actually, no. Shopify automatically minifies theme JavaScript and CSS when it's requested by the storefront. You could check out this article for greater details. With that said, kindly do not minify our files so we debug issues on your store much more conveniently and faster.