The algorithms of our site search feature

📖 Site search is a search engine solution integrated into your online store. At its most basic, it helps your customers find the exact products they’re looking for on your site by matching their search keywords with the products in your store. Using Boost AI Search & Discovery, your site will be applied with our well-designed algorithm, making the site search much more than just a basic search bar.

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How our site search features work

The search algorithm will display results based on scanning keywords similar to the word entered in the search bar. Information fields that the search algorithm will parse from include:

Products: our search engine looks for matched products in the searchable attributes, including product title, product type, vendor, tag, product option, SKU, barcode, and description. By default, we turn off the “description” attribute. Typo tolerance is acceptable with searchable attributes, which are product title, product type, and vendor.

You could disable a specific search field or change these fields' priorities to your preferred order.

Collections, blog posts, and pages: The search engine will return results by only crawling their title data. However, we can offer solutions to make their content searchable as well.

In addition to this basic search principle, our search app uses many other algorithms such as Synonyms and Suggestion Dictionary to customize search results as clearly and concisely as possible.

Customize search fields

Our search engine performs a deep data crawl and product search through all the product attributes that you have to return more exact results. 

The app also allows you to turn on and off any product attribute you do not want the search engine to run through to deliver faster search results. To maximize the search speed, you can tell our search engine which searchable attributes to look at first by adjusting the order of searchable attributes and setting ones with a higher priority in the list when their data is more relevant to your customers.

To customize your searchable attributes:

  1. From the app’s admin, go to Search > Standard search.
  2. Go to the Relevance settings tab.
  3. Toggle ON/OFF the searchable attributes and adjust their priority level individually.

  4. Click Save settings.

đź’ˇ To enable Metafields search field, follow this article.

If you have other issues relating to search settings when configuring your search, please send your request to for further assistance.